A business and innovation leader in Hamilton since the 1980s, Mark Chamberlain has played a pivotal role in the development of our innovation ecosystem. In this episode...
Category - POV Hamilton Podcast
Kimberly Elliott is Co-Founder and COO of VoxNeuro, an up-and-coming life sciences technology company based in Hamilton. Commercializing groundbreaking research out of...
David Carter is the Executive Director of the Innovation Factory. From training and mentorship to resources, advice, pitch competitions and beyond, IF helps companies...
Peter Kalra is the CEO of Bay Area Health Trust, a unique company that exists to support life sciences in #HamOnt. From commercializing research out of McMaster and St...
Keanin Loomis is the President of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, Hamilton’s oldest institution. The Chamber represents over 1000 member businesses from across...
Hamilton’s department of Economic Development exists because industry exists; they support existing businesses in Hamilton and work to bring new businesses here...
Alex Muggah is the director of the Synapse Life Science Consortium, an organization that connects businesses, partners, and institutions across Hamilton and beyond...
Ty Shattuck is the CEO of McMaster Innovation Park, a premiere research and commercialization park in the heart of #HamOnt. Since coming into the role two years ago, Ty...