Playlist - Westdale Village

Westdale Village is a thriving and diverse shopping district in Hamilton, Ontario, featuring over 80 shops, services, cafés and restaurants, with something for everybody. Established in the 1920s, it is friendly, walkable, and steps away from McMaster University.

We are working with the Westdale Village BIA to help share their video series showcasing all the local merchants who call Westdale home.

Events in Westdale VIllage

The West-Hamilton community of Westdale VIllage is bustling with activities and events! From Winter Wander and OktoberWEST to live music, street vendors, and more...

Shopping in Westdale Village

Westdale Village is a unique community in West Hamilton, only 10 minutes from McMaster University. It’s home to one-of-a-kind stores and boutiques where shoppers...